- 乾燥粗糙手部肌膚適用
- 即時緩解粗糙、鱗片狀、痕癢等乾燥症狀
- 增強屏障功能,提高肌膚鎖水能力
- 優化細胞水分分佈
Eucerin 的高質素產品建基於廣泛研究及對肌膚的熱情。Eucerin 專家投放無窮心思選擇所有產品的成分,並限制成分數目。然而,若有不耐症或過敏,請查閱我們的「成分數據庫」找出相關成分。
Urea is also produced naturally by the skin and is part of the essential Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) which regulates skin’s moisture content. Urea is hygroscopic, which means it is able to bind moisture into the outermost layer of skin, thus relieves itching and roughness, helping to fight dry skin symptoms. It is also keratolytic, meaning it improves natural exfoliation and soothes and smoothes the skin’s surface. As a substance produced naturally by the skin, Urea is well-tolerated even by dry and sensitive skin. Because all of these effects and very good study data, Urea is the gold standard in treating of dry skin.*
* Reference: Augustin M et al., diagnosis and treatment of xerosis cutis – a position paper, JDDG 2019, DOI: 10.1111/ddg.13906